The 5 Best Compound Movements for Maximum Gains
If you?re reading this, you probably want to pack on some more muscle mass on your body. You might have even joined a gym or bought some gear to get started, but once all of that is done and you?ve already invested in working out, what do you do? Well,...

The 5 Best Compound Movements for Maximum Gains

How to Get the Most Out of Your Upper Back Exercises
When you start working out, you generally don?t go straight to the upper back exercise machines. Nobody is blaming you, but know that when you don?t pay attention to your upper back, you may earn yourself an imbalanced look, as well as physical injuries b...

How to Get the Most Out of Your Upper Back Exercises

Why Men Who Like Spicy Foods Are More Likely to Be Alpha Males
Why does the ability to eat spicy foods in large amounts literally make you manlier? You might wonder why this is so important. Well, now you have one more opportunity to show your friends how alpha you are, by eating food that makes you cry like a gir...

Why Men Who Like Spicy Foods Are More Likely to Be Alpha Males

How Meal Frequency Actually Affects Body Composition
It?s a well-known fact that your diet is in direct correlation with your body composition and weight. When your main goal is losing weight or maintaining the current weight, the most widely used strategy is making changes to your food intake. The majority...

How Meal Frequency Actually Affects Body Composition

A Simple Workout to Build Big Calves
There are many bodybuilders out there who have that superhero, V-taper look when it comes to their upper body. However, when you take a closer look at their lower body, namely their legs and especially the calves, the asymmetry in their body can be outrig...

A Simple Workout to Build Big Calves

Brown Fat, the Key to Effective Fat Loss ?
Until recently, nutrition scientists and the general public regarded all dietary fats as bad, and they made no distinction between the different types of fat tissue in our bodies. Once they researched a bit deeper, they found out that our bodies are prone...

Brown Fat, the Key to Effective Fat Loss ?